About Us

Yippee Digital was founded by Daniel Wood, an experienced media and digital expert with a wealth of global experience. His carefully coordinated team helps brands attract attention, built traction, and get results.

Daniel has worked in digital marketing since 2008, where he started as an intern, beating 300 hopefuls for a coveted position in the largest independently owned media company in the UK. Upon returning to Australia, Daniel then went on to work for Fairfax and Channel Nine. He loves everything digital and has stuck around because, not only does he love doing the job, but he also loves the people that he meets. Digital marketing is about discovering the needs of a brand- a brand like yours- and finding solutions. For Yippee Digital, our story has always been about making your story great.

How do we do that? We believe in honesty and transparency. We believe that having honest conversations are very important in finding the right digital solutions for your business. This is important because every business is a community and behind every community is a person.

We tell your story and we also get you results.